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- Here's all you need to know about Cryptocurrency📈
Here's all you need to know about Cryptocurrency📈
Inflation has gotten out of control... The government has complete control over money production, and the value of money continues to decline. In the midst of all of this chaos, cryptocurrencies are indeed a platform that isn't controlled by the government and is purely driven by the actions of the overall economical market. So, is it time to invest in Crypto?
Difference between Spending and Parking Money

People invest their money in order for it to grow. Parking cash is frequently referred to as an investment. Parking money is the act of holding money in safe, short-term assets while deciding where to invest them.
You have some money in your possession. You save that additional income in some asset for a short period of time until it is needed again while you determine where to invest it so that you can reap the rewards of long-term investments.
What are the options available to park the extra cash?
There are many factors that need to be considered about where to store the extra cash.
The 3 major factors to consider before parking the cash in any short-term investment are:
Access - Money is important. It is crucial to have access to some amount of money when needed while the rest of your cash grows in various investments. Also, day-to-day expenses are unavoidable and thus one must keep a certain percentage of overall income aside so that it is easily accessible.
Cost - It makes no difference where you park your money unless you are certain that it will not cost you extra money. If you are required to put money in only to keep the cash that is stored, it is not an investment. Moreover, the cost should not exceed the profits on the stashed money.
Growth - The parked cash should not be sitting idly. It can only be called an investment when it is profitable(growing). It is important that the cash is growing, giving good returns, and beating inflation. Growth is a very crucial factor and must be considered every single time.
How Cryptocurrencies Keep Your Money Safe

Your Money is Vanishing...
Day after day, the value of money decreases. The government continues to print more money and give it to society. This reduces the value of the money.
Printing more money will not solve the issues. By printing more money, the supply of cash floating around the economy increases. Now, there's more money for the same amount of stuff in the market. As a result, demand for those items rises. This is nothing but inflation.
Is it Time to Grab Crypto?
Cryptocurrencies are safe today because they are not under the jurisdiction of the Federal Reserve Banks and hence are immune to their games and deceptions.
"What does this mean… we are also seeing more people invest in cryptocurrencies." according to a FORTUNE.com article by Catherine Coley.
Cryptocurrencies are a REAL asset as it is not controlled by the government and is purely in the hands of the economy i.e. the whole economical market.
Cryptocurrencies are an excellent investment choice since there is a significant likelihood of receiving extraordinarily large profits. Everyone in today's digitalized society should consider investing in the Crypto market.
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